Monday, November 2, 2015

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Layout Regularization Scheme Questions and Answers

Layout Regularization Scheme Questions FAQ

I. Objectives:  

1. To bring all unauthorized Layouts / Sub divisions in to planning frame work and regulate the 
2. To facilitate the implementation of Master Plan. 
3. To improve the circulation pattern of roads. 
4. To provide relief to the several persons who have purchased plots without awareness about 
layout regulation/layout permissions. 

II. Who has to apply? 

The scheme is applicable in the following cases. 
1. It is applicable to the plots in unapproved layouts which are located within Urban 
Development Authority Area, Municipalities,Municipal Corporations and Gram Panchayats 
falling in Mater plan limits of respective Municipalities in Andhra Pradesh. 
2. It is applicable to the plots in unapproved layouts which are registered prior to 31.12.2007 
i.e. date of notification of the Rules in A.P Gazette. 

III. Who can not apply? 

LRS is not applicable in the following cases. 

1. Encroachment on Government Lands. 

2. Surplus land declared under Urban Land Ceiling Regulation Act/ Agriculture Land Ceiling Act / Land resumed under A.P assigned lands (POT) Act. 

3. Tank beds and Sikham Lands.

4. Areas Covered under G.O.Ms. 111 MA & UD, Dt.08.03.1996 (Protection of catchments area of Osman Sagar and Himayathsagar Lakes).
5. Prohibited area under the Costal Regulation Zone and such other environmentally restricted 
zones as prescribed. 

6. Industrial / Recreation / Water Body land uses earmarked in the sanctioned Master Plan / Zone Development Plans. 

7. Bed of water bodies like river, nala, pond, cheruvu, kunta / shikham lands and in full tank 
level (FTL) of any lake. 

8. a) 30 Mts. From the boundary of river course /Lakes of area less than 10 Ha. 
 b) 09 Mts. From the boundary of Lakes / Kuntas/ Shikham lands of area less than 10 Ha. 
 c) 09 Mts. From the boundary of Canal, Vagu etc. 
 d) 02 Mts. From the boundary of Nala. 
 e) The space to the left in and around the Canal/vagu (Including the actual bed width 
and alignment) shall be minimum 15 Mts. This may be developed as green buffer / 
recreational and / or utilized for road of minimum 9 Mts. width wherever feasible. 

9. In case of (viii) (a) above in addition to development of recreational/ green belt along the foreshores, a ring road of promenade of minimum 12 Mts. may be developed wherever feasible. 

10. In case of sites in the vicinity of Oil / Gas pipelines, clear distance and other stipulations of 
the respective authorities shall be complied with. 

11. Open Space earmarked in any approved layout. 

12. Sites under litigation / legal disputes regarding ownership. 
IV.The Scheme is not a voluntary scheme and the scheme is compulsory to regularize the unauthorized plots by the plot owners. 

V. Who can apply? 
1. Individual plot owners in unapproved layouts having registered sale deed executed prior to 
notification of the rules. 

2. Associations / Societies / Welfare Society/Colony Developer representing the unapproved layouts plot owners having registered sale deed executed prior to notification of these rules. In 
these cases 3 members selected by the Associations / Societies / Welfare Society of the 
unapproved will act as resource persons who can represent the case before. 

Please do not contact any broker, because, it is not at all necessary. 
VI. What is meant by unapproved and illegal layout? 
Ans: 1. Land which is sub-divided into plots without permission form Competent Authority. 

 2. Sub-division of land and sale of plots without approval firm the Municipal Corporations, Municipalities and Urban Development Authorities as the case may be. 

 3. Un-authorized illegal layouts would also include tentative layouts approved by Municipal 
Corporation/ Municipalities/ Urban Development Authorities where plots have been sold without obtaining final layout approval. 

 4. Gram Panchayat layouts ( covered in UDA/ Master Plan) without prior approval from 
Director of Town and Country Planning/ Urban Development Authority. 

Q2: What is the advantage of regulating an unapproved layout? 

Ans: 1. Regulation of unapproved layouts will entitle the applicant to get Building Permission form the Competent Authority. 

2. Civic amenities like roads, water supply drainage, street lights will be provided subject 
to total payment of all required charges by all plot owners. 

3. The unapproved layout areas will be brought in to the fold of planned development of the Towns / Cities. 

Q3: What are the consequences if one does not apply for regulation of unapproved layout?  The following consequences have to be faced.

Ans: 1. No Building Permission will be given. 
2. Such layout plots will be treated as continuing offence and exemplary penalties would be levied as per amended Municipal Laws. 

 3. No facilities like roads, drainage, street lights will be extended in such areas. 

 4. Information will be sent to Registration Department to enter the land into Prohibitory 
Registration of lands. 

Q4: Whether the layout regulation scheme is applicable to all Gram Panchayat areas also? 
Ans: 1. No. However this scheme is applicable to only Gram Panchayat areas falling with .in 
Urban Development Authority limits/covered in sanctioned Master Plans. 

VII. The Rules which are applied: 
1. G.O. Ms.No.902, MA & UD, Dt. 31.12.2007. 
2. G.O. Ms.No.113, MA & UD, Dt. 31.01.2008. 
3. G.O. Ms.No.880, MA & UD, Dt. 02.05.2008. 
4. G.O. Ms.No.589, MA & UD, Dt. 31.12.2011.

There has been a New Notification from Government of Telangana as on November 2015 where in they are giving opportunity for buildings to go Legit which were build on Jan 1, 1985 and Oct 28, 2015.

Details can be found at: